Monday 5 January 2009

The undressed crab in soviet hat

The thing you see with art is too much for now. too much to wipe itself on the gasps of those who do not care for it. Never prostitution, of course, but that is never nothing new. Why or how could ever that be the case. The answer, as judge and jury reside is only refusal. The answer is as all eloquent frenchmen, without any hint of irony know - nothing. Disengagement, or to put it another way disengagement of nothing, as nothing not least £MINIMUM WAGE, of nothing. The future, what future? Future is not in the hands of the artists at all. They make us marxist mais je suis ne pas marxiste. I fell deep injustice of the kind whereby all the murders and rapes and kidnaps and robberies and heart felt tragedies are crystalised in one . - these are not the palette of art but they are of art, and dirty and base as it sounds, art has them tatooed all the way up it's left arm.

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