The unveilling of cromer
The play (performance) as form about a thing with the thing removed. How is this achieved see Samuel Beckett and WAITING for Godot. Only This Theatre is Empty (If I can I shall)
The only reason why this could be described as a play is if the Term "Theatre" is understood in the literal sense. What is the literal sense of the word. - Relation to place, physically. "Play" denotes a piece of writing to be performed
The play is about something to be seen, the anticipation of what it will be - the gathering of the crowds. The artwork is the thing to be unveiled. - The pertinance of the question "What is this the artwork that is in the process of being unveiled
"All heard about the coming exhibition, all were all told and all were heard"
Does a pretext for the object exist? Is it required?
They thought their thoughts, and it is here that begins a dialogue,of differences and eclecticity - The gamet of choosing a position and holding to it truly.
Making of much to be reduced
Sunday Solace
And from which point in time (old ~ new)
If we begin with a problem of calling this a play or a performance (These are perhaps performance notes) Note taking , Note worthy. See paper source
The artwork as mocking the practices of the western artworld (private view as art, chinese source)
"He turned his life into a project"
The emperors new clothes - What is performed exists / What does not exist is the very thing that the performance is about
The write to talk
Furore around the thing. The anticipation and then the non-seeing - If what is to be seen is removed, what is then seen.
An artwork about an artwork that is there only by the principle of the first artwork.
A drawing exists - "I have done a drawing" exists. This is a sequel, only of how many. *The paper drawing is the drawing from the first video, the first fuss. We then see this drawing as metaphor for the entire process, or a warning point for the second.
It is of a cloth being removed from a canvas shape - the whipping off is the central activity of the thing.
KEY POINT - Is the cloth taken off in the play, and at what point
The biography of the scamp is important discreet.
"Sketch for a play"
"Play for a sketch
The desire to insert meaning and truth, its search as an end, the tautological questioner - The what is it about, "What is this about" - The uncomfortable doubter, the child who wants to point at the king and his lack
ACCOUNT for this is a sketch for not a play but a theory of a play.
If Italk with the intention to upset, then I cannot be upset when I am talked to with the intention to upset.
"A critique of genuine veracity"
KEY POINT - DEFINE seperate attitudes.
"Le Verrou", exists in the louvre. If place is important, essential as experience then a trip will need to be organised. For the purposes of both the play and the potential phd. The sense of place for the painting, but not necessarily for the play.
(two self appointed 'culture vultures' talk about an exhibition they have just seen, as they walk away from it, their discussion is quick and caustic in nature. They are both aware of this.
-I can't believe they've let him do it!
-I know... apparently he procrastinated about it for years
-It's like 'bon-jour'! bon-jour!'
-I rather like the cheekyness of the gesture though, don't you think?
Well, it's obviously such a pretentious idea that they thought they'd have to like it!
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